Latest Messages

09 2014

'I have not come to call the righteous'

Rom 3:28 For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. By grace through faith, or By law through works. Since we have all...
06 2014

Romans 14: Week 1

Romans 14:1 – 15:13 Week 1 Let’s begin by reading this extended passage from Romans 14:1 through Romans 15:13. In this section, Paul is taking what he taught in chapter 12 and using it to address a specific situation in the Roman church that was a source of conflict at that...
05 2014

The gospel is constantly bearing fruit in believers.

The facts of Romans can turn you into a HOPEFUL person. You have the reasons for all kinds of hope inside, and you start giving those reasons out so others can start hoping more...
02 2014

The gospel bears fruit in every good work.

With all this good news – why are you and I still such miserable people too much of the time? The place to get really AGGRESSIVE in our Christian walk is in our FAITH! You...
30 2014

Romans 13: Week 5

Romans 13 - Week 5 What are the subjects of chapter 13? Rom 13:1-7       Obey governing authorities Rom 13:8-10     Loving our neighbor  is the fullness of the law Rom 13:11-14   Put on Christ – in your behavior -...
29 2014

More on becoming a 'Good News' person.

The word “gospel”  means announcing good news. Something that somebody didn’t know or realize before. ...
26 2014

Are you becoming a 'Good News' person?

Romans is the book that maps out the GOOD NEWS from start to finish. How can Romans 1:16 show up...
23 2014

Romans 13: Week 4

Romans 13 - Week 4   What are the subjects of chapter 13? Rom 13:1-7:      Obey governing authorities Rom 13:8-10:    Loving your neighbor  is the fulfillment of the law Rom 13:11-14:  Put on Christ – in your...
22 2014

Romans: Introduction, part 3.

Romans is the book that maps out the GOOD NEWS from start to finish. Please read the entire letter of Romans at least once before next week. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! ...
19 2014

Romans: Introduction, part 2

Romans is the book that maps out the GOOD NEWS from start to finish. Please read the entire letter of Romans at least once during the next two weeks. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God...
September 2024
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