Believing in the resurrection is essential to being justified.
The faith that saves is not faith in the act of resurrection, but in its meaning!
One who believes in the resurrection believes first of all...
Romans 4:25 connects our justification with the resurrection of Jesus our Lord from the dead.
Believe in HIM who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
God declares righteous the ungodly sinner who...
Faith = being fully assured that what God has promised, He is able also to perform.
1. What promises did Abraham receive from God?
2. What was Abraham’s response to those promises?
3. How...
Faith = being fully assured that what God has promised, He is able also to perform.
1. What promises did Abraham receive from God?
That He will make Abraham a great nation.
That in him all the...
The gospel preached to Abraham consisted of promises that God made to Abraham that Abraham believed.
Faith = being fully assured that what God has promised, He is able also to perform.