Latest Messages

12 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 61: The essence of sonship is obedience.

A large segment of the church today has a problem with authority orientation. Biblical adoption is that grand design of God by which He confers or bestows upon us...
09 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 60: The most bitter cup and the most sweet name

Biblical adoption is that grand design of God by which He confers or bestows upon us the status or the standing of adult sons and daughters. Biblical...
08 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 59: To suffer is to learn.

Biblical adoption is that grand design of God by which He confers or bestows upon us the status or the standing of adult sons and daughters. Biblical...
05 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 58: Our inheritance includes suffering.

This happens positionally at the moment of salvation when He recognizes us as an adult son or...
02 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 57: Adoption emphasizes God's ability and your motivation.

Biblical adoption is that grand design of God by which He confers or bestows upon us the status or the standing of adult sons and...
01 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 56: The kind intention of our Father's will.

Biblical adoption is that grand design of God by which He confers or bestows upon us the status or the standing of adult sons and daughters. This happens...
28 2010

Spiritual Gifts part 55: The Doctrine of Adoption.

The believer is said to be born of God (John 1:13) and born of the Spirit (John 3:5,6,8). That is regeneration. The Bible also says there is something called the adoption as...
24 2010

Thanksgiving Special: The Lord is in this place!

some form of the words “thanks, thankful, thanksgiving” is found 169 times in 162 verses in the NAS translation of the Bible. You...
21 2010

Spiritual gifts part 54: With Jesus, it is always now.

B. The second ministry of the Holy Spirit at salvation is called regeneration or being born again. It is taught in Joh 3:3-8; Tit 3:5; 1Pe 1:23. Regeneration is the...
18 2010

Spiritual gifts part 53: What survives the destruction of the universe defines the highest values.

The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts Point 2. The Giver of the Gifts: The...
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