Lighthouse Bible Church
Sunday March 22, 2020
Grace and peace be multiplied to you
Isa 41:10 'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'
Mat 11:28...
Lighthouse Bible Church
Sunday March 8, 2020
Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh
1 Peter chapter 4 and 5
1PE 1:1-9
As you may remember first Peter began by showing us the perfect inheritance that we as believers in Christ have reserved in heaven for us thanks to...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
March 1, 2020
Properly and in an orderly manner
1Co 14:29-40
In order to understand a passage, it is necessary to to “check out the neighborhood”.
Many commentators write them off as something that was inserted into the...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
February 23, 2020
God is not confused
1Co 14:26-33
Neither one of these gifts – tongues nor prophecy - is in operation today.
Chapter 12 addressed the common good of the body of Christ as a whole.
Chapter 13 emphasized that all spiritual gifts must operate in...
John Farley
February 9, 2020
The secrets of his heart
1Co 14:21-25
verses 23-25 appear
to contradict
verses 21-22.
Doesn’t verse 22 say that tongues are for unbelievers,
while prophecy is for believers?
ALL scripture
Grace Prison Ministries works to change the lives of prisoners through evangelism and sound Bible teaching.
Keithian is planning to visit us in two weeks – Sunday February 16th