John Farley
Pastor Teacher
December 27, 2020
Godliness with contentment is great gain
1Ti 6:1-6
Slaves, false teachers, and the congregation generally.
The behavior of the congregation can help or hinder the progress of the gospel message.
Contentment in any circumstances.
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
December 13, 2020
Elders who rule well
1Ti 5:17-25
He next turns his attention to the elders.
The duty of elders is to rule, and to preach and teach.
1Th 5:12-13
time (tee-may'); a value, i.e. money paid; by analogy, esteem.
The context makes it...
Basic Training Bible Ministries is led by Gene Cunningham with his wife Nan as his support and companion.
Their mission includes evangelism and the training of pastors and workers in remote regions of the...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
November 29, 2020
Continue in entreaties and prayers
1Ti 5:1-8
He begins with the theme of family.
Treat one another as fellow members of a spiritual family.
Eph 2:19
He instructs Timothy to appeal to members as fathers, mothers, brothers and...
Show yourself an example for those who believe
1Ti 4:11-16
We all need
role models.
How is it supposed to be done?
The pursuit of godliness.
Teaching and behavior that reflect God’s character.
It is the...
Godliness is profitable for all things
1Ti 4:6-10
Paul is coaching Timothy again.
Notice the commands.
The heart of this passage is found in the word “godliness”.
Godliness pervades...
Everything created by God is good
1Ti 4:1-5
Wherever truth flourishes, error will rear its ugly head.
So here, on the one hand, the Spirit is prophesying about the future “last days”.
2Ti 3:1-2
The present...