Great is the mystery of godliness
1Ti 3:14-16
Our passage today is the high point of the letter.
Timothy needed to hear from Paul right away. The church was really sick.
Why does their behavior matter so much?
Each saint...
Christmas Care Packages
GBC Pakistan has set a goal for this year of ,000.
200+ Grace Academy School “student packages” at each,
and 1,200 “village packages” at each, plus travel...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
September 27, 2020
The office of overseer
1Ti 3:1-7
In chapter 3, he turns his attention to the leaders in the assembly.
verses 1-7: criteria for the office of overseer. verses 8-13: criteria the office of deacon.
Tit 1:5-9
Overseer and elder...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
September 20, 2020
Making a claim to godliness
1Ti 2:8-15
These false teachings were inflicting great damage on the churches.
In verse 8, Paul asks Timothy to deal with the men so that they can pray properly.
In verses 9-14, Paul addresses the propriety of the women...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
September 13, 2020
God desires all men to be saved
1Ti 2:1-7
1Ti 1:15
Beginning in chapter 2, he will give Timothy the battle plan.
To understand what the fight is about!
The key to verses 1-7? Two words: “all” and...
Grace Prison Ministries works to change the lives of prisoners through evangelism and sound Bible teaching.
Fight the good fight
1Ti 1:18-20