Gospel of John

01 2023

If you believe, you will SEE the glory of God.

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper next Sunday, January 8th   If you believe, you will SEE the glory of God Joh 11:1-45 This is the seventh and final sign miracle that John records in his gospel. 1.The importance of...
11 2022

Seated with Christ in the heavenlies.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, December 11, 2022 Seated with Christ in the heavenlies What is man? And now we are learning about the new man in Christ. 1. The first thing about the new man is that he is a spiritual man. He is born of the Spirit. Joh 3:5-8 He is the...
04 2022

If anyone is in Christ – new creation!

Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers   GBC Pakistan Christmas Care Packages No service on Sunday December 25th (Christmas) Schedule note If anyone is in Christ...
27 2022

Condemnation by Adam, justification by Christ.

Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers   GBC Pakistan Christmas Care Packages No service on Sunday December...
20 2022

The free gift of God

Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers student uniform children’s gift family ration now through Dec 31 GBC...
13 2022

He was raised on the third day

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, November 13, 2022 He was raised on the third day The unique humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ A virgin was with child. Luk 1:26-35. For the first and only time, a human being was born without sin. 2Co 5:21. And for the first and only time, a child...
06 2022

The radiance of His glory

No Bible study on Thursday November 24th (Thanksgiving)   The radiance of His glory (1) man as he was originally created by the Lord God; and (2) man as he became after the fall. Every human being...
30 2022

Excluded from the life of God.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, October 30, 2022 Pastor Kingsley mission trip to the West Indies November 1-15, 2022 Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers 35 residents rent, meals, utilities approx. ,000 per...
23 2022

And you were dead...

November 1-15, 2022 Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers 35 residents rent, meals, utilities approx. ,000 per...
17 2022

They knew that they were naked.

Gen 3:1-3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman,...
July 2024
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