Latest Messages

14 2024

The unity of the Spirit.

Joh 17:20-23 Jesus prays for all who will believe in Him through the word of the disciples: the church. (Verses 20-26) He asks for unity: that they may all be one. He prays for His church to be one in...
07 2024

Perfected in Unity

“That they may be perfected in unity.” Joh 17:20-23 Jesus prays for all who will believe in Him through the word of the disciples: the church. (Verses 20-26) He asks for unity: that they may all be one. Joh 17:20-21 He prays for His...
31 2024

There shall be no more death.

There shall be no more death. Over 2,000 years ago, Christ burst forth from the grave, triumphant. He was victorious over sin, death, and satan. On the first day, Jesus died on the cross. During the...
24 2024

That the World May Know

“That the world may know...” Jesus is going to leave the world, but His disciples will remain in the world. Joh 17:15-16 So Jesus now turns to His Father in intercessory prayer. 1. He asks the Father to glorify Him. (Verses...
17 2024

Glorify Me Together with Yourself

Glorify Me together with Yourself. Joh 17:1-5 The Father sent His Son into the world with a mission to save the world. And soon He will leave the world and go back to the Father. Jesus is going to leave the world, but His disciples will remain...
10 2024

Choosing Life

Choosing life Joh 17:3 We can take hold of eternal life. And we can reap eternal life. If you abide in Me, and let Me abide in you, you will bear fruit. The Greek word means to remain, to dwell, to take up residence. So, with...
03 2024

Abiding in the Vine

Abiding in the vine. Joh 17:3 We can take hold of eternal life. And we can reap eternal life. What happens in between taking hold of this new life, and bearing the fruit of it? Joh 15:1-14 The branches on a vine have one purpose: to...
25 2024

Reaping eternal life.

Reaping eternal life. What is eternal lfe? Joh 17:3 We believers HAVE eternal life NOW. And…eternal life is something that believers can LIVE IN NOW. Today we are going to learn how to reap eternal life. We can...
18 2024

How do we take hold of eternal life?

How do we take hold of eternal life? What is eternal lfe? Joh 17:3 We believers HAVE eternal life NOW. And…eternal life is something that believers can LIVE IN NOW. We can GROW in our capacity to live in eternal life...
11 2024

This is eternal life - ...

“This is eternal life - ...” What is eternal lfe? Jesus Christ, God’s Son, will tell us. No one else is qualified to do so. Jesus has the words of eternal life. Joh 6:66-69 Jesus is the only one qualified...
February 2025
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