Latest Messages

30 2023

You will see me

Schedule note We will not have service on Sunday, August 27th Next Sunday (8/6)   Joh 14:18-20 “You will see Me” Joh 14:18-20 Verse 18 is the general statement. Jesus makes...
23 2023

“He will glorify Me”

We will not have service on Sunday, August 27th   “He will glorify Me” Joh 14:16-17 Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth. Their mission will...
16 2023

The Spirit of truth

Joh 14:16-17 The Spirit of truth Joh 14:16-17 Jesus is referring to the fact that He has been their Helper here on earth. The Greek word here is parakleton. It’s the accusative of the noun...
09 2023

The Father will give you another Helper

The Father will give you another helper What appears as a new bud here will grow to full flower. In verses 13-14, Jesus proclaims that prayer in His name will be granted. Joh 15:7 Here Jesus adds a new thing: abiding...
02 2023

The fellowship of His sufferings.

New Building LBC by God’s grace is providing the funding Healing Hands of Christ Home Joh 14:12-17 The fellowship of His sufferings Joh 14:15 Love is giving or acting sacrificially on behalf of/ for...
18 2023

…you will keep My commandments.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, June 18, 2023 Thursday June 22nd at 3 PM. Fred Hunter Funeral Home. 718 S Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale. Memorial service for Helen Cantrell New Building LBC by God’s grace is providing the funding Healing Hands of Christ Home NO...
11 2023

If you love Me

1. Greater works (verse 12) 2. Answered prayer (verses 13-14) 3. Loving Christ (verse 15) 4....
04 2023

Whatever you ask in My name.

Greater works (verse 12) Answered prayer (verses 13-14) Loving Christ (verse 15) Another Counselor (verses 16-17) Joh 14:13-14 Verses 13...
21 2023

Greater works than these.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, May 21, 2023 John 14:12-17 Greater works than these 1. Greater works (verse 12) 2. Answered prayer (verses 13-14) 3. Loving Christ (verse 15) 4. Another Counselor (verses 16-17) In this passage, the Father continues to be front and...
14 2023

Lord, show us the Father

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, May 14, 2023 Joh 14:7-11 Lord, show us the Father In chapter 1, the first disciples met Jesus. Andrew said He was the Messiah (Joh 1:41). Philip said Jesus was the one Moses and also the prophets wrote about (Joh 1:45). And Nathanael said He...
July 2024
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