Latest Messages

26 2023

Father, glorify Your name

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, February 26, 2023   “Father, glorify Your name” Joh 12:27-33 Joh 12:20-23 The hour had come for Jesus to be crucified, die, be raised from the dead, and return to the glory of His Father. Joh...
19 2023

He who loves his life loses it

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, February 19, 2023   He who loves his life loses it Joh 12:20-26 Jesus uses the metaphor of the grain of wheat to challenge His disciples -and all of us as well. First and foremost, Jesus is the grain of wheat that falls into the earth and...
05 2023

The hour has come.

Schedule notes LORD’s Supper today No service next Sunday February 12th The hour has come Joh 12:18-26 But first, there is the matter of the perfect timing of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Jesus presented...
29 2023

Behold, your King is coming!

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, January 29, 2023 Schedule notes LORD’s Supper next Sunday February 5th No service Sunday February 12th   Behold, your King is coming! Joh 12:9-19 John’s account of Jesus’s triumphal entry...
22 2023

Six days before the Passover.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, January 22, 2023 No service on Sunday February 12th   Six days before the Passover Joh 12:1-11 One of those people was Mary, the sister of Lazarus. The other was Judas, one of the twelve disciples. Joh...
15 2023

The Passover of the Jews was near.

Joh 11:45-57 The transition between the raising of Lazarus from the dead (in Bethany)… and the anointing of Jesus by Mary (also in Bethany). Jesus retires to the countryside with his...
08 2023

The chief priests and Pharisees convened a council.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, January 8, 2023 The chief priests and Pharisees convened a council Joh 11:43-54 Their first and only concern was for their own personal interests. The only authority they lived in fear of was the Roman government. The chief priests and Pharisees should...
01 2023

If you believe, you will SEE the glory of God.

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper next Sunday, January 8th   If you believe, you will SEE the glory of God Joh 11:1-45 This is the seventh and final sign miracle that John records in his gospel. 1.The importance of...
18 2022

The birth of Jesus: the history and the mystery.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, December 18, 2022 Merry Christmas! The birth of Jesus: the history, and the mystery   The birth of Jesus Christ is a matter of history, and mystery. Luke was a historian, after all, but he was also a marvelous storyteller. Luk...
11 2022

Seated with Christ in the heavenlies.

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, December 11, 2022 Seated with Christ in the heavenlies What is man? And now we are learning about the new man in Christ. 1. The first thing about the new man is that he is a spiritual man. He is born of the Spirit. Joh 3:5-8 He is the...
July 2024
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