Gospel of John

03 2022

Let us go to Judea again.

Joh 11:1-10 In verse 4, Jesus provides the key that explains everything about this chapter. His words also apply to the things that await Him just over the horizon. It is entirely appropriate to see...
26 2022

Now a certain man was sick

Joh 11:1-6 The raising of Lazarus from the dead is the seventh and final miracle in John. Bethany was located about 2 miles away from Jerusalem, Joh 11:18. Mar 11:1   Mary and...
19 2022

This sickness is not to end in death.

Joh 11:1-16 Chapters 11 and 12 describe the final weeks of our Lord’s public ministry. In chapter 11, Jesus performs His greatest miracle. He raises Lazarus from the dead after the...
12 2022

The place where John was first baptizing

Joh 10:37-42 But the priests and Pharisees forcefully rejected Him as their Messiah. Luk 9:5 Jesus went out from Jerusalem, heading east.   Joh 10:40-42 He left the...
05 2022

The works of My Father

Joh 10:30-39 He and the Father were one: in the works that Jesus performed, in knowledge, in love, and in guaranteeing the eternal security of all believers. Jesus understood that they were never going to believe...
22 2022

No one will snatch them out of My hand.

Joh 10:22-30 What does eternal security mean?   Whoever believes in Christ is saved forever. He has eternal life and can never lose it. The Feast of Dedication occurred in...
15 2022

I have authority to take My life up again

Joh 10:14-21 Their love is two-way. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father. Because Jesus loves the Father, He obeys the Father’s orders. In verses 17 and 18, the...
08 2022

I am the Good Shepherd

  Joh 10:11-18 Jesus uses simple language to reveal profound truths. I lay down my life for the sheep. The scene passes from the confines of the sheep-pen to the big wide world...
01 2022

I am the Door of the sheep

Joh 10:7-18 Jesus begins with a broad figure of speech (verses 1-6) based on sheep-herding.   A shepherd and his sheep; the sheepfold with its door; thieves and robbers. The religious...
24 2022

His sheep hear his voice.

Joh 10:1-10 Chapter 10 is closely connected with chapter 9. A shepherd and his sheep; the sheepfold with its door; thieves and robbers.   The shepherd and his sheep pictured the bond between the Lord...
January 2025
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