Gospel of John

06 2022

Who are You?

Joh 8:21-30 1. Who Jesus is, especially in His relationship with His Father 2. His urgent warning to His Jewish audience Time is running out for the Jews. Joh 7:33-36 Joh...
30 2022

I am the Light of the world

Joh 8:12-20 Once again, Jesus chose a metaphor that is universal. Water. Bread. Light. “I AM these things.” Joh 6:53 Joh 7:37-38 Joh 8:12 Living...
23 2022

I do not condemn you either

Joh 7:53-8:11 This beautiful story displays the tender mercies of our Lord. He has authority to forgive sins, authority that is reserved for God alone. It’s unsettling. What is going on...
16 2022

The way this Man speaks

Joh 7:40-52 How people reacted to the words Jesus spoke on the last day of the Feast of Booths. Joh 7:37-38 He is the Lord God who provides springs of the water of salvation. He is the One who will pour out the Spirit on...
09 2022

Let him come to ME and drink.

Joh 7:37-39 The Feast of Booths was an 8-day celebration at the time of the harvest. It was a time for giving thanks to the Lord for His abundant blessings. The Feast of Booths anticipated the great blessings of the future...
02 2022

The last day of the feast.

John 7:31-39 When we last were in the gospel of John, Jesus was in the temple teaching. The dispute centered around whether or not Jesus was the promised Messiah. And a third faction, the common people, believed...
26 2021

Behold, He is coming with the clouds

David’s house and kingdom will endure, and David’s throne will be established forever. The New Testament reveals that this King comes twice. The first time, He was born of a virgin,...
19 2021

God with us.

  Merry Christmas! Let the real story of Christmas pull you in. Luk 2:1-20 Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. It’s simple. A baby, wrapped in clothes, and lying in a...
12 2021

Your King is coming to you.

GBC Pakistan Christmas Care Packages Student Uniform: Family Ration: √ Send your gift to LBC √ Indicate it’s for the “Pakistan Christmas” ...
05 2021

I will raise up for David a righteous Branch.

GBC Pakistan Christmas Care Packages Student Uniform: Family Ration: √ Send your gift to LBC √ Indicate it’s for the “Pakistan...
October 2024
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