the mission of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology…
…so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.
Their vision:
that every person on...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
April 18, 2021
Schedule items
Barah Ministries Conference April 22-25 (Thursday thru Sunday)
Joh 3:9-21
For God so loved the world
God always provides reliable witnesses who can testify to the things God...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
April 11, 2021
That which is born of the Spirit is spirit
Joh 2:23-3:10
Jesus performed signs to help people believe in Him. But not as a miracle worker.
As the Christ, the Son of God.
Nicodemus was a Pharisee, and he was a ruler of the Jews.
Nicodemus was also...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
April 4th, 2021
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Schedule items
Barah Ministries Conference April 22-25 (Thursday thru Sunday)
When He was raised from the dead
“Zeal for Your house will consume Me.”
Joh 2:12-22
Mary and Joseph had other children (naturally) after Jesus was born (supernaturally).
Mat 13:55-56
Joh 2:13-14
Passover was one of three Jewish...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
March 21, 2021
There was a wedding in Cana
John 2:1-11
Jesus is going to perform His first miraculous sign at this wedding feast.
Remember, a sign is more than a miracle. It is a miracle with a meaning.
What do you seek?
Joh 1:35-51
By the end of the second day, Jesus will be heading to Galilee with five disciples.
They simply believed what their teacher John said about Jesus.
The answer they gave might seem unusual, or even evasive, to...
Chosen People Ministries exists to pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere
…and to help fellow believers do the same.
With your help, they will continue proclaiming the Good News through Jesus...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
February 28, 2021
A voice crying in the wilderness
Joh 1:19-28
The story begins with the public ministry of John the Baptist.
Joh 1:6-8
He had one purpose, only one: to testify about the Light – Jesus Christ.
Joh 1:15
John is preparing the way...
John Farley
Pastor Teacher
February 21, 2021
The Word became flesh
Who is Jesus?
Joh 1:9-18
Verses 10-18 form the second stanza of this glorious hymn to the Word.
Verses 1-9 are provocative. They spawn a series of questions.
What does it mean that the darkness did not grasp the Light...