Gospel of John

29 2021

He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood

Joh 6:49-59 The Catholic church teaches that when the priest consecrates the host and the cup, the bread and the wine become the actual body and blood of Christ. That is not what this passage is talking...
22 2021

Facing unbelief

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, August 22, 2021 Facing unbelief Joh 6:41-51 Jesus gave these people the most remarkable, joyful good news! He repeats Himself over and over, because His words are rejected over and over. There is this unnatural, unrelenting hostility toward everything Jesus...
15 2021

I will raise him up on the last day

Joh 6:35-44 But there’s a terrible problem. He who believes in Jesus will never thirst… …but they do not believe in Him! They do not believe that He is the bread of...
08 2021

I am the bread of life

Pastor John Farley August 8th, 2021 NOTE: Apologies, no audio or video for this service.   “I am the bread of life”   Joh 6:30-35 30 So they said to Him, "What then do You do for a sign, so that we may see, and believe You? What work do You perform? 31 "Our...
01 2021

The food which endures to eternal life.

Joh 6:22-29 Jesus will now give an extended discourse to the people and leaders in Capernaum. The failure of the people to understand the meaning behind the miracle of feeding the 5,000...
25 2021

It is I; do not be afraid

Joh 6:14-21 Chapter 6 follows the same sequence that chapter 5 did: miracles (Joh 6:1-25), followed by controversial teaching (Joh 6:26-58). #1: Jesus feeds the 5,000 men with five barley loaves and two...
18 2021

Five barley loaves and two fish.

Joh 6:1-13 Chapter 6 follows the same sequence that chapter 5 did: miracles (6:1-25), followed by controversial teaching (6:26-58). “after these things” meta tauta an unspecified amount of...
11 2021

The Scriptures testify about Me.

Joh 5:39-47 1. God the Father (verses 32, 34, & 37-38) 2. John the Baptist (verses 33 -35) 3. The works of Jesus (verse 36) 4. The words of Jesus (verse 47) 5. The Scriptures, particularly...
04 2021

Witness testimony

Announcements concerning the sale of our building   Today is our last service in this building that has been our home since 2013. Kamm Consulting 1407 W Newport Center Dr, Deerfield Beach, FL...
27 2021

Life or judgment

Announcements concerning the sale of our building   We will have one more Sunday service in this building: next Sunday, July 4th. Kamm Consulting 1407 W Newport Center Dr, Deerfield Beach, FL...
October 2024
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