John Farley
Pastor Teacher
October 30, 2022
Pastor Kingsley mission trip to the West Indies
November 1-15, 2022
Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity
Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers
35 residents
rent, meals, utilities
approx. ,000 per...
November 1-15, 2022
Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity
Healing Hands of Christ home for lepers
35 residents
rent, meals, utilities
approx. ,000 per...
The Lord God commanded the man
Gen 2:15-17
The Lord God provided man with everything he would ever need or desire.
The tree of the Life.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The Lord God placed...
Weep with those who weep
Pastor Kingsley mission trip to the West Indies
November 1-15, 2022
Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity
Grace Leprosy Home
35 residents
Grace Leprosy Home
35 residents
rent, meals, utilities
approx. ,000 per month
Direct your gifts to Lighthouse Bible Church.
Indicate that the gift is for the Grace Leprosy Home.
Pastor Kingsley mission trip to the West Indies
November 1-15, 2022
Pastor Adams in India - giving opportunity
Grace Leprosy Home
30 residents
rent, meals, utilities
approx. $900 per month
Grace Leprosy...
Joh 11:28-37
Deeply moved in spirit and troubled
We came face to face with the fact that Jesus is God.
This morning, we will come face to face with the humanity of Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ is “intensely” human, and He is...
“I AM ….”
Will you…?
Joh 11:25-27
The resurrection is Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus follows His great “I AM” statement with two additional statements.
The first statement belongs with...
“I AM the resurrection and the life.”
Joh 11:21-27
Jesus replies with what appears to be a basic statement about life after death.
Martha recited the Jewish belief in the resurrection of the dead on the last day.